Announcement for FFA Members or Parents of FFA Members!!!!
Last year, Waskom FFA started the tradition of giving a belt buckle to the Top 10 FFA Members in the chapter. Since we are not in school right now, scores will be submitted through email.
A list of ways to earn points will be attached below. All FFA members are eligible to compete for “Top 10” awards. Awards will be announced at the annual Waskom FFA Banquet, winners must be present to receive their award. Official point totals will be kept by students, to be reviewed by teachers and/or WISD Administration. Parents or students may not review rankings. There will be only 10 awards (3 – greenhand; 7 all members) presented each year.
Submit scores through email. These may be placed in a google doc or through email. THESE CANNOT BE HANDWRITTEN, AND MUST BE EMAILED!!!! IF THESE RULES ARE NOT FOLLOWED YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED-NO EXCEPTIONS!
Please use the format below to complete your list:
Full Name
Specific Events- Points earned
Example: Weatherford CDE- 1 pt
Total of all points
Email with point total must be submitted by April 15th to!!!
Point Qualifications-
FFA Member(paid dues,sold fundraisers)- 5 pts
Enrolled in ag class- 1 pt
Do not count multiple ag classes- only 1 pt possible
Officer Candidate(chapter,district,area)- 1 pt
This excludes 7th & 8th grade students
Assisting or Participating at FFA Events- 1 pt each
Excludes GH Camp or Summer
Minimum 3 hrs or Start to Finish
Invitational LDE, CDE- 1 pt each
Be specific for each contest
If you were on multiple LDE teams, you will receive a point for each team you participated on
District, Area, State LDE, CDE- 1 pt/ team
Community Service Activities- 1 pt each
SAE- 1 pt/ project
Maximum 2 pts./ semester
Fundraisers- 1 pt per 10 items sold
After dues are paid(15 items), each 10 items sold will be counted for points
Greenhand Orientation- 1 pt
Must be discovery or greenhand member
Project show- 1 pt each
Maximum 3 per semester
Record Book- 2 pts/semester
Deadlines Jan 1, April 1
Bonus pts if both were complete (5 pts total)